
Sitcom Sweetheart Belts the Blues

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With her steel-belted vocal cords, her trick bag of R&B; obscurities and her burnin’ five-man band, Katey Sagal came on more like the last of the white, hot blues mamas at Club Lingerie on Saturday than the star of a semi- successful teevee sitcom, even one as self-consciously revisionist as “Married . . . With Children.”

Ah, but the 32-year-old L.A. homegirl was a session singer, backing everybody from Bob Dylan to Bette Midler, before she took up the third-oldest profession, became an actress, and the first of her two sets was heavy with the casual confidence of her former calling and mercifully light on the her-strionics associated with her current gig.

Eschewing forced stage patter, cheep melodramatics and bar-band pandering, Sagal set the full house on its collective ear simply by singin’ the blues in all its hues ‘n’ cries, moving from the sportin’ house to the roadhouse to the penthouse with equal amounts of ease ‘n’ greaze.


Other highlites: a surprisingly strong, lyrically pointed, original number that mined a classic, early-’60s R&B;/pop vein, and every time she laughed.
