
Abortions and Guilt Feelings

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Re The Times’ poll on attitudes toward abortion (March 19):

The excellent poll and George Skelton’s follow-up article, “Many in Survey Who Had Abortion Cite Guilt Feelings,” suggest that a staggering number of women and men many be suffering what many psychologists now diagnose as Post-Abortion Street Disorder. The survey also suggests that women troubled by their abortion experience have suffered in silence and carried the burden of their secret pain alone.

For all women, men and family members who suffer from their decision to participate in abortion, the Roman Catholic Church offers a compassionate healing experience called “Project Rachel.” A confidential hot line puts callers in touch with specially trained counselors or clergy, as requested, to assist them in finding psychological and spiritual health following abortion. We invite all those in need to call the hot line: (800) RACHEL-6.


Director of Family Life

Catholic Diocese of Orange



Project Rachel
