
Another Excellent Child-Care Program

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The description of the Glendale Child Care Consortium (April 6, Glendale Section) as Glendale’s only employer-sponsored child-care program slighted a similar effort by one major company.

Glendale Adventist Medical Center has sponsored a child-care center for employees since 1982. My husband and I are fortunate to have access to this excellent on-site program, and both of our children (now 2 and 5) have experienced the advantages of this center since they were 3 months old.

Approximately 60 children are enrolled in the program, which has a waiting list of 50. I’m sure that the center has been instrumental in recruiting nurses and in retaining them--a big issue for health care providers today. It also contributes to productivity since parents do not have the constant concern about their child care. Parents are also more reliable employees since their child-care arrangements are stable on a day-to-day basis.


Parents pay market rates for this program, but Glendale Adventist also contributes to its ongoing operation.



Kilby is Glendale Adventist Medical Center marketing director.
