
Cinema Murder


Re “Heathers,” reviewed in Calendar March 31:

This film deals with the problem of teen suicide by advocating murder. It is a disgrace to think that because the murderess is going to have popcorn with the fat girl she has somehow made a moralistic turn-around. Who are you kidding? Not me. Not my family. And not the 40,000 murder victims in the United States last year.

My son was murdered last October. At some point, 1 in 3 families will experience such a loss.

As a film writer I understand and applaud everyone involved in this movie for attempting to expose the obsession teen-agers often have with death. I am, however, saddened that the producers, directors, actors, crew and most of all the writer would take on a subject as devastating as murder without portraying it responsibly.


On behalf of all who’ve lost a loved one to homicide I plead with the makers of “Heathers” to re-examine the film and realize that not only does it not work but it is the most dangerous kind of message that we in our industry can give.

Please don’t leave youngsters with the message that murder is all right. Remove “Heathers” from the theaters. Show society that Hollywood can entertain responsibly and that it isn’t just a bloodthirsty, moneymaking monster.


