
I must rebut some of the comments...

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I must rebut some of the comments made in the Critic’s Corner column written by James Endrst in the March 26 issue. Matthew Margo, CBS vice president of program practices, said, “The boundaries of taste have advanced this year.” Depends on how you look at it whether they advanced toward X-rated programs. When many of the dramatic shows on TV now have shots “tastefully done” of women removing their blouses in preparation for increasingly explicit love scenes, is Margo really interested in the viewer’s taste? Then Alan Gerson, NBC vice president of program standards, claims people “are reacting as if things are happening for the first time.” They are, Mr. Gerson. Which leads me and many others to turn off the television and turn on the radio. I’ve begun a great collection of the best of radio drama cassettes. Great listening, great writing and I can use my imagination.

Pat Hubley, Los Angeles
