
Local Elections

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Montebello 24 of 26 precincts. 22% turnout. PROPOSITION A Shall Ordinance 1971 authorizing the Community Redevelopment Agency to acquire real property in the Montebello Economic Revitalization Project area by eminent domain be adopted?

Vote % No 3,636 78.3 Yes 1,003 21.7

PROPOSITION B Shall Ordinance 1972 authorizing the Community Redevelopment Agency to acquire real property in the Montebello Industrial Revitalization Project area by eminent domain be adopted?

Vote % No 3,621 78.1 Yes 1,016 21.9

PROPOSITION C Shall the ordinance be adopted providing that ordinances 1971 and 1972, if adopted, may be amended or repealed only by a majority of voters and not by City Council action?


Vote % No 3,151 68 Yes 1,481 32
