
Helmets Can Also Protect Bicyclists From Injuries

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Every news story carried in The Times involving a motorcycle accident makes mention of the fact that the driver or passenger was not wearing a helmet. The result is usually serious head injury or death. Why not the same for bicyclists?

Recently you carried the story of a bicyclist in Anaheim who suffered severe head injuries in a hit-and-run accident. A couple of months ago, I recall the story of a (Fullerton College) professor dying of severe head injuries. Were either of these people wearing helmets?

Three weeks ago, I was involved in an accident (with another bicycle) and my helmet, although shattered, saved serious head injury or possibly death. I was fortunate to only suffer a fractured collarbone. You could help get the message across to bicyclists that not only says, “When you ride on the streets, you are subject to the laws and rules of the streets” but also, “Look what riding without a helmet can do to you.”



