
Bush Proclaims Asian-Pacific Week, Announces Nominations

From United Press International

President Bush proclaimed Asian-Pacific American Week today and announced plans to nominate two Asian-Americans to his Administration.

At a Rose Garden ceremony attended by several hundred Asian-Americans, Bush said he would nominate Julia Chang Bloch as U.S. ambassador to Nepal and Kyo Ryoon Jhin as chief counsel for advocacy at the Small Business Administration.

Bloch, born in Chefoo, China, is a 1964 graduate of the University of California. As U.S. ambassador to Nepal, she would replace Milton Frank.


Jhin has been an international trade consultant in Bethesda, Md., since 1986. At the SBA, he would replace Frank Swain.

At the White House ceremony, Bush also saluted another Asian-American, Katherine Chang Dress, sworn in earlier in the day as assistant Interior secretary.
