
Irvine’s Rights Law and the Attempt to Amend It

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A few months ago, while trying to enter a supermarket, I was approached and asked to sign a petition that was represented as “a non-discriminating amendment to the city charter.” Upon questioning the signature-gatherer as to exactly what this petition was, he replied that it would set aside a small part of the human rights ordinance. I kept asking, “What exactly are you trying to do?” He kept replying, “To deal with sexual orientation in the human rights ordinance.” Being a newcomer to Irvine, I didn’t know about the human rights ordinance, so I finally said, “What will be added to the H.R.O.?” He replied, finally, “You will be allowed to dismiss any gay or lesbian because you wouldn’t want any of them teaching your grandchildren, would you?” I was horrified.

Not only had I been a teacher for 32 years in the inner city of Los Angeles, but I had also recently lost a dear friend and superb teacher to AIDS.

In my very best teaching voice and manner, I lectured this young man on lying and misrepresenting his petition.


I wonder how many people were “duped” into signing the petition they thought was protecting homosexuals. Is that how the Irvine Values Coalition got enough signatures to put the petition on the ballot?

I hope this letter points out how some groups want to dictate what they feel is right. Let’s not delete anything from the human rights ordinance. Right now, I feel proud to say I live in Irvine where there is a human rights ordinance.


