
‘The ZIP-Code Route Into UC’

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Though well-intentioned, Brown’s article misleads readers by presenting facts subjectively.

It’s true, for example, that Fresno City College sent only one black and four Latinos to UC schools in 1986. But the reason, which Brown fails to note, is because FCC’s minorities and non-minorities overwhelmingly favor Fresno State as their “transfer school” because of its convenient location, low cost, and solid reputation. Though Brown may disapprove of their choice, thousands of minority students who’ve elected to transfer to Fresno State have earned degrees there and prospered. In many cases, they would have been admitted to UC schools if they had applied. But they chose to attend state.

I’ve taught at FCC for more than a decade, and most of my students have shown no interest in transferring to UC schools, despite my encouraging them to do so. The reasons are varied and complex, but I think proximity is crucial. Santa Cruz is the closest UC campus to Fresno, and it’s 150 miles away. Most FCC transfer students (affluent whites included) prefer to remain closer to home. When UC establishes a new campus in our region, students from local community colleges will be much more interested in continuing their educations at UC.



