
Huntington Park Enacts Utility Tax

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The Huntington Park City Council will impose a 7% tax on telephone, electricity, natural gas and water bills to help pay for additional police protection and other city services.

The tax, which will take effect July 1, is expected to generate about $2.74 million a year, officials said.

About $1 million tentatively has been earmarked for 22 new positions in the Police Department, including 13 new police officers.


“This is probably the single most difficult decision I’ve had to make on the council,” Councilman Herbert A. Hennes Jr. said in joining a unanimous vote in favor of the tax. “This one here goes to the heart of every citizen in town. I don’t know any alternatives.”

About 75 people attended a special hearing before the council voted earlier this week. About half of the speakers favored the new tax to put more police officers on the street.

Resident George Fair said he was tied up and robbed at his home in 1986. “It took 20 minutes for an officer to get to my house,” Fair said. “I hope it doesn’t happen to someone else.”


The council will make a final decision on how the additional money will be spent during budget deliberations this summer.
