
Assembly, Senate Roll Calls on Passage of Assault Gun Bill

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Here is the roll call by which the Assembly voted final passage to the assault gun bill, 41 to 35:

Democrats for (39): Areias, Bane, Bates, Brown, Bronzan, Burton, Calderon, Campbell, Chacon, Clute, Connelly, Cortese, Costa, Eastin, Eaves, Farr, Friedman, Hannigan, Harris, Hayden, Hughes, Isenberg, Johnston, Katz, Killea, Klehs, Lempert, Margolin, Moore, O’Connell, Polanco, Roos, Roybal-Allard, Sher, Speier, Tanner, Tucker, Vacsconcellos, M. Waters.

Republicans for (2): Filante, Quackenbush.

Democrats against (5): Condit, Elder, Epple, Murray, N. Waters.

Republicans against (30): Allen, Bader, Baker, Bentley, D. Brown, Chandler, Felando, Ferguson, Frazee, Frizzelle, Hansen, Harvey, Houser, Hill, Johnson, Jones, Kelley, Lancaster, Leslie, Lewis, McClintock, Mojonnier, Nolan, Pringle, Seastrand, Statham, Woodruff, Wright, Wyman.


Absent or not voting (4): Bradley (R-San Marcos), LaFollette (R-Northridge), Floyd (D-Carson), Peace (D-La Mesa.)

Here is the roll call by which the Senate voted final passage of the assault gun bill, 27 to 11:

Democrats for (21): Alquist, Ayala, Boatwright, Dills, Garamendi, C. Green, L. Greene, Hart, Keene, Lockyer, Marks, McCorquodale, Mello, Montoya, Petris, Presley, Roberti, Rosenthal, Torres, Vuich, Watson.


Republicans for (5): Bergeson, Beverly, Craven, Morgan, Seymour.

Independent for (1): Kopp.

Democrats against (1): Robbins.

Republicans against (10): Campbell, Davis, Doolittle, Leonard, Maddy, Nielsen, Rogers, Royce, Russell, Stirling.

Absent or not voting (2): Deddeh (D-Bonita), B. Greene (D-Los Angeles.)
