
Curbing Our Lottery Fever


The column on curbing lotteries was excellent, especially for its inclusion of seven suggestions for lessening today’s gambling craze.

However, in his listing of our assorted lottery “rashes” he neglected to mention the most image-damaging, heart-breaking, hard-work canceling, unfair lottery that could possibly be imagined that was announced recently by none other than our State Department in Washington.

A Times report (Part I, May 10) declares that more than 3 million people from around the world, all eligible, have applied for visas to live in the United States. Have their names been taken in the order in which they applied? No. There is to be a computer visa lottery for 10,000 of them in 1991, and for another 10,000 the following year.


It would appear that now we are making U.S. citizenship possible as the product of an addiction! Move over, drugs, alcohol, tobacco and gambling.

Washington, for shame!


Santa Monica
