
Bush to Consult With Black Caucus

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From Associated Press

Black members of Congress who met with President Bush on Tuesday said he has agreed to consult them on contentious issues and they also said they hope to participate in shaping Administration policy.

Although they disagreed with Bush’s views on various domestic and foreign policy issues, they said they are withholding judgment on his Administration until he more fully develops his policies.

“We saw this as an important beginning,” said Rep. Ronald V. Dellums (D-Berkeley) after the White House meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus with Bush and Secretary of State James A. Baker III.


But some members expressed serious doubts about Bush’s commitment to many issues they raised during their hourlong meeting:

“We’re dealing with a thousand lights without any batteries,” said Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) in reference to Bush’s often stated urging for all sectors of society to help make life better since the government can’t afford to do it all.
