
Foes of Vivisection Restricted in Protest of UCLA, Faculty

From United Press International

A judge Friday issued an injunction barring an anti-vivisection group from disruptive demonstrations on the UCLA campus or at the homes of university faculty, school officials said.

The preliminary injunction against Last Chance for Animals follows a temporary restraining order handed down May 10, after members of the group blocked streets around the residences of two UCLA faculty members, chanting, yelling and banging on the doors of their homes, said UCLA spokesman Rich Elbaum.

Friday’s order prohibits the group from threatening, intimidating or harassing UCLA faculty members at the residences; breaking into or blocking any UCLA facility; interfering with or obstructing teaching, research or other campus functions, and destroying school property.


UCLA Chancellor Charles E. Young, commenting on the injunction issued by Superior Court Judge Abbey Soven, said, “I am very pleased that the court was able to distinguish between legitimate, peaceful protest and the type of harassment and threats that these people have decided to undertake.” UCLA has also filed complaints seeking monetary damages from the group.

Last Chance for Animals, whose members are opposed to all use of animals in medical research, has targeted UCLA for several protests.
