
‘Overabundance’ of Liquor Licenses

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It’s time to go back to the drawing board for West Hollywood. Justly, there are five members on the City Council, seven on the Planning Commission and five on the Business License Commission--each unit requiring a majority vote.

Why, then, is one man, Community Development Director Mark Winogrond, given sole authority, against incredible opposition, to grant an overabundance of liquor licenses? In this respect, we are now worse off than when we were under the county. I have never seen a city structure where one man aggregates so much power to himself!

Secondly, why all these years of energy, trying to find a way to solve and/or possibly subsidize parking for local nightclubs, while our complaints of vandalism, rubbish and frequent urination in our residential neighborhoods caused by the nightclub-goers remains a problem? The irony of it all is that now we find out that the yearly amount of revenue the city is expected to get from Gazzarri’s, the Whiskey, Rage, Studio One, the Roxy, Troubadour, the Central and the Rainbow is a meager $52,500!



West Hollywood
