
Dershowitz on Prenatal Rights

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Having just read Dershowitz’s well-intentioned commentary, I could only shake my head at his suggestion.

Dershowitz is a leading proponent of women’s rights. To include women’s right to abortion, yet I read with amazement his suggestion, “ . . . We need not be frightened from considering reasonable regulations designed to reduce the serious . . . problems caused by pregnant women who abuse their future children.” That being, the woman’s use of presumably illegal drugs, to include consuming large amounts of alcohol. (For some reason, he gives his blessing to “occasional drinking or smoking.” Hmm!)

However right or wrong his proposal may be, it misses the point (of the mother taking whatever drugs during her pregnancy) entirely! No consideration is taken of “addiction” by that mother, pregnant or otherwise.


The word “addiction” does not refer to having babies. No woman alive is addicted to bearing children and more often than not, she does not welcome or need it. Addiction to drugs, however, is entirely another matter. That addiction is not welcomed or needed. It also cannot be regulated or legislated against. The mother did not choose to abuse her future child. She did not choose to become addicted to whatever drug being taken.

Until addiction to drugs is fully understood, all of the threats of jail, abused addicted babies, and the ruined lives of both mother and child, will all be for naught.


Palm Desert
