
The Nation - News from June 6, 1989

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An associate of Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. was sentenced in Leesburg, Va., to 10 years in prison on securities violations stemming from the political extremist’s fund-raising activities. Rochelle Ascher, 38, of Towson, Md., had been convicted on charges of selling an unregistered security with intent to defraud, sale of a security by an unregistered agent with intent to defraud and conspiracy, and six counts of securities fraud involving six sales to four individuals. Loudoun County Circuit Judge Carlton Penn sentenced Ascher to 56 years and ordered that the sentences be served in such a way that her term in prison would be 10 years. State officials had maintained that Ascher, 15 co-defendants and five LaRouche organizations allegedly bilked hundreds of people out of as much as $30 million.
