
Monrovia : School Gets Building Funds

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Monrovia High School will receive $4.2 million in state aid for a reconstruction project scheduled to begin this summer, school officials have announced.

The main building, which includes the administrative offices and the social science, math, arts, home economics, business and science departments, will be repainted and fitted with new wiring, plumbing and air-conditioning systems, officials said.

The industrial arts building and the printing and wood shops will be air-conditioned and the boys’ and girls’ locker rooms will be refurbished.


As a condition for the Leroy Greene grant, which is intended for school construction or rehabilitation, the district must bear the cost of more than $400,000 to remove asbestos that might be uncovered during the reconstruction.

Officials said the district will use an additional $300,000 from a separate state grant to install air conditioning in the school auditorium. The work is scheduled for completion in 1991.
