
California Found to Have Most Latinos

From Associated Press

York has the most black residents in the nation while California has the most Latinos and the fastest-growing black population, the Census Bureau estimated on Tuesday.

Sixteen states had a million or more black residents, four states had at least a million Latinos and California was home to more than a million other minorities as of 1985, the bureau said.

The new calculations are the first detailed estimates of minorities by state since the 1980 national head count.


Blacks make up the nation’s largest minority at 28.9 million, or 12.1% of the population, compared to 11.8% in 1980. The total population in 1985 was 239,283,000, up 5.1% from 227,757,000 in 1980.

New York had the largest black population at more than 2.7 million, followed by California with nearly 2.1 million. But the black population of California was growing faster, adding nearly 243,000 from 1980 to 1985, compared to an increase of almost 219,000 for New York.
