
250 Arrested at Abortion Clinic


Referring to the report of the arrests of pro-life protesters outside of the Los Angeles Midland Medical Clinic (“250 Arrested for Blocking Abortion Clinic’s Entrance,” Metro, June 11) why are Los Angeles police using pain compliance on those who do not even resist them? Old ladies. Young women. Is it because media darlings of the pro-abortion stance insist wrongfully and viciously that this is their obligation?

Wake up, America! Most people believe abortion is wrong, that it is murder. But there is a strong, vocal minority whose views have been the law of the land since Roe vs. Wade and if they cannot maintain their position through the political process and rhetoric, they will be happy to see it done through pain compliance.

Where is the ACLU? The American Civil Liberties Union defended the right of neo-Nazis to march through Skokie, Ill., but will it defend the right of one, simple, nonviolent American to act to save an unborn life? I know, pro-abortionists still resist that it is a life. Such is the American tragedy.



Los Angeles
