
Classical Rowdiness


I was impressed by Tony Morrison’s June 17 letter about the conflict between rock and classical patrons on Highland Avenue--the beer six-packers vs. the wine-and-cheesers.

The drunken brawls at the Hollywood Bowl have long been a scourge, especially when the Michael Tilson Thomas fans get into scraps with the Andre Previn crowd and the wine bottles go flying. The explanation is almost self-evident: The thump-thump-thump of a Mozart concerto, echoing from those huge loudspeakers, inflames the basest passions, especially when fueled by Sauterne mixed with Brie.

Even worse are the gatherings in private homes for chamber music. The merging of four strings easily swamps our boom boxes, not to mention the lewd and licentious behavior on our private lawns when these quartets set down their Strads after their presto finales. Never mind the heavy metal. What about heavy wood and ivory?


Los Angeles
