
Baldwin Park : Council Handles Shortfall

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To make up a $260,700 shortfall in the 1989-90 city budget, the City Council has approved three belt-tightening moves, City Clerk Linda Gair said Wednesday.

At a meeting last week, the City Council voted to eliminate the entire six-member code enforcement division, saving $260,300, Gair said. The division’s work, including enforcement of weed-abatement laws and issuance of city licenses, are being absorbed by other city departments, she said.

The council also reallocated money from two other sources to make up the deficit. Gair said the city will save $25,000 on lower liability insurance premiums, and $28,400 will be transferred from the city’s retirement fund surplus.


Mayor Leo King said the staff cutbacks were necessary to keep the city financially afloat. “We were getting to the point where we were borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.” He said the code enforcement division was top-heavy with supervisors and its work could be performed by other departments.
