
Bush Hails Ruling but He Still Wants Roe v. Wade Upset

from United Press International

President Bush hailed the Supreme Court decision on abortion today as a move “to restore to the people the ability to protect the unborn” but said he still believes that the 1973 ruling legalizing abortion “should be reversed.”

White House aides accompanying the vacationing President said that Bush continues to support a constitutional amendment to ban abortion and that he hopes today’s ruling will help prompt Congress to act on the volatile issue.

In a statement responding to the Supreme Court ruling giving states greater power to restrict abortions, Bush said,: “We welcome this decision. By upholding the Missouri statute the court appears to have begun to restore to the people the ability to protect the unborn.”


He added, however, “We continue to believe that (the 1973) Roe v. Wade decision was incorrectly decided and should be reversed.”
