
Crackdown Set on Clubs, Liquor Stores

In response to increasing complaints about “excessive noise and unruly behavior,” Hermosa Beach police and firefighters soon will start an aggressive campaign aimed at curbing violations of local and state laws at liquor stores and nightclubs.

“We’re in the warning and notification phase now,” said Public Safety Director Steve Wisniewski, who serves as chief of both the police and fire departments. “But in the very near future, we will turn up the heat whenever it’s necessary to gain compliance.”

Owners of bars, restaurants and other establishments will be warned to observe occupancy and noise limits, he said, and liquor store operators are being advised to check the identification of any customer who looks even remotely like a minor.


Officers will carry noise meters when they check entertainment spots, Wisniewski said. He advised owners to close windows and doors when a band is playing and to maintain screens over windows to prevent patrons from passing drinks to friends outside.
