
HUD Scandals Uncovered


As the temperature increases in the HUD scandals, there inevitably arise the cries to throw out the programs and indeed to damn the agency. One must not lose sight of the successes of HUD over the last 20 years. The problems being unearthed today arise more from neglect of leadership than failure of programs, from pay scales that encourage youthful and inexperienced people to take jobs that appropriately experienced people cannot afford, and from program cutbacks that put a premium on influence peddling to obtain scarce resources.

An inattentive gardener may allow weeds to surface among the flowers but one would weed out and reseed, not eliminate the garden. The vigorous leadership of HUD Secretary Jack Kemp gives promise that our nation’s poor and ill-housed will indeed be well served in the future.

Out with the scoundrels but on with the programs!


Los Angeles
