
Pasadena : Ballot Measure Weighed

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The Pasadena Board of Directors is considering putting a series of proposed modifications to the growth-management initiative on the November ballot.

In a report to the board, Planning Director Anne F. Odell said the proposed amendments would resolve ambiguities and solve problems that have arisen in implementing the initiative, but would not weaken the controls on growth and development.

The initiative, adopted in March, sets limits on commercial and residential projects. It exempts projects in the Civic Center Master Plan “as approved by the city before March 7, 1989.” But because the master plan was still undergoing study in March and is not scheduled for adoption until August, the proposed amendment would declare that the exemption applies to projects in the master plan approved before Nov. 7, 1989.


Another proposed amendment would extend the initiative’s exemption for single-family homes on existing lots to single-family homes on lots that are merged or split. Other amendments would clarify exemptions in the city’s northwest enterprise zone.

The city board has until Aug. 1 to put the issue on the Nov. 7 ballot.
