
The Nation - News from July 23, 1989

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About 3,000 National Organization for Women conventioneers and supporters in Cincinnati marched, rallied and generally ignored another 500 hymn-singing counter-protesters in a peaceful confrontation on the abortion issue. NOW President Molly Yard led her cheering pro-choice supporters through a noisy chant of “Clap your hands, raise your voice, Cincinnati is for choice” from the steps of the Hamilton County Courthouse, where the convention delegates and supporters gathered after walking several blocks from the Cincinnati Convention Center. Anti-abortion forces standing nearby countered by shouting “Go Home NOW” and singing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” NOW leaders devoted most of the weekend’s convention to mapping strategy to try to prevent what they call further “dismantling” of the Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion.
