
House Votes Smoke Ban on Short Flights

From a Times Staff Writer

The House voted Wednesday to make permanent the no-smoking rule for domestic flights of two hours or less, but declined to apply it also to longer flights.

After several unsuccessful efforts to prohibit smoking on all domestic flights, the lawmakers voted 259 to 169 to keep the partial restriction, which otherwise is to expire next April.

The Senate is expected to consider the matter after the summer recess.

Rep. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), sponsor of the measure, called it an important step toward protecting passengers and crew members from a serious health hazard.


“At least 3,000 people a year lose their lives not because they smoke, but because they are around people who do,” he said.

Congressmen from tobacco-producing states blocked efforts to expand the ban, saying that not enough evidence on the effects of second-hand smoke is available.

“This is no worse than what we’ve been living with,” Rep. Walter B. Jones (D-N.C.), said in giving grudging approval to the measure.
