
Gingrich Blames ‘Enraged’ Democrats for Allegations

From United Press International

Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) defended himself Friday against growing allegations of House rules violations, saying that the charges come from “enraged” Democrats led by “an almost irrational” Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.).

Gingrich, the House minority whip, told a television interviewer that Democrats have vowed revenge since he spurred the ethics case that led to the resignation of House Speaker Jim Wright (D-Tex.) in June.

“I think there are people who are enraged that I insisted on investigating Jim Wright, and I think, frankly, they will try to do virtually anything to try to prove that you can’t stand up to that kind of power and get away with it,” he said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”


Alexander already has filed a complaint against Gingrich with the House Ethics Committee and said Thursday he is preparing to amend the charge to include as many as 200 additional rules violations.

Gingrich dismissed the threat Friday, saying: “I think in terms of the substance of the charges, what you have is an almost irrational Democrat in Bill Alexander who is wandering around wildly saying things. I’m comfortable that after the Ethics Committee has investigated it that they are going to say that there’s nothing to the charges.”
