
NATION : Equal Opportunity Support Argued

<i> From Times wire services </i>

Secretary of Labor Elizabeth Hanford Dole today praised President Bush as a strong supporter of equal opportunity, but the highest-ranking black in Congress, Rep. William H. Gray III, said Bush’s talk of a “kinder and gentler” America does no good when not matched with action.

“I am very proud to serve a President who is a strong supporter of equal opportunity for all Americans,” Dole said in a speech at the annual conference of the National Urban League.

Gray, a Pennsylvania Democrat who is majority whip of the House, said, however, “It does none of us any good to simply have kind and gentle rhetoric without acknowledging the problems and addressing them with policy changes.”


Bush, who called for a “kinder and gentler” nation in his Inaugural Address on Jan. 20, will address the conference Tuesday.
