
Bradley’s Fight for Political Survival

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The recent discoveries concerning Mayor Bradley’s dealings with the Far East Bank should be of great concern to the residents of Los Angeles (Part I, July 26-29). Reports of rigged bidding, huge campaign contributions, whiteout of incriminating evidence in public records, and payments for consulting services while he was being paid to be a full-time mayor of Los Angeles are deeply troubling. Many of us are greatly troubled by the mayor’s lack of candor and credibility. His silence in the face of an avalanche of criticism and accusations regarding improper dealings is disquieting.

Some residents have been at odds with the mayor over the extent and degree of development that should be allowed in this city. They are unhappy with his pro-growth stance and support of rail lines through residential communities. While some people may disagree on these matters, they fully expected that he would deal with city affairs fairly and objectively and judge them on their merits.

Now, recent disclosures at council hearings make it clear that Bradley favors special interests at the expense of the public good. Because of these revelations, I believe his credibility has been damaged to the point where he can no longer lead this city effectively.


I, with the concurrence of the board of directors of Homeowners of Encino, am therefore calling upon Bradley to resign as mayor. I respectfully ask that he step aside and allow someone else to give guidance and direction to this city.



Silver is president of Homeowners of Encino .
