
‘A Priest on Abortion’

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As is sadly the case with every pro-choice advocate I have ever heard or read, Regas completely ignores the detrimental effect abortion has had on many women. He knows “women whose lives were literally saved from unraveling emotionally” because they chose abortion; I have known women whose lives unraveled because of that choice. I have wept with women who are filled with regret and anguish over their abortions. I have heard women cry, “if only it hadn’t been so legal, so easy, I would have never made this mistake.”

I have met women rendered sterile by legal, “safe” abortions. Out of this sort of pain and anguish, many post-abortion support and counseling groups are springing up all over the nation.

Why does the pro-abortion side ignore these hurting women? Perhaps it is because that side does not even hear them. Women who suffer emotional and spiritual trauma either struggle alone or seek out those who they know will treat them with compassion. It never ceases to amaze me how many in the pro-life camp are women who have had abortions.


On one point I must agree with Regas: “The society we seek says all life is sacred everywhere, for if it is cheap anywhere, it is cheap everywhere.” That is why I will continue to be an advocate for the unborn: For if you attempt to cheapen the precious life I am now carrying, you cheapen my life as well, and the lives of the newly born, the aged, everyone. And no one who calls himself a disciple of Christ could possibly allow that.


