
Solon Takes Lead in Cycling Race

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Paul Solon of Tiburon, Calif., took the lead from Mike Secrest of Scottsdale, Ariz., Wednesday in the fourth day of the Race Across AMerica, which started in Costa Mesa and will finish in New York City.

Solon passed Harper, Kan., at 7:40 p.m. (PDT). Harper is 1,344 miles into the race.

Secrest, who won in 1987 and led after three days, is 1,268 miles into the race and 76 miles behind Solon.

Bob Breedlove of Des Moines, Iowa, was third, 1,239 miles into the race.

Susan Notorantangelo of Harvard, Ill., one of two women remaining in the race, is sixth overall. She has covered 1,162 miles. Diane Owens of Fort Worth, Tex., is 22nd overall, 900 miles into the race.
