
Two Views of Judge Margaret Grignon


Thank you for your article on Antelope Valley Judge Margaret Grignon (Aug. 6). I was recently a witness in an exasperating restraining order/contempt case that was heard by Judge Grignon. Although she had other things to do--a murder sentencing, a narcotics hearing, a jury impaneling--she heard our relatively trivial case with the same patience and fairness with which she approached her other, more “important” cases.

During the hearing, Judge Grignon did not belittle some very real First Amendment freedom of press issues that were part of this teapot tempest. She applied scholarly wisdom to settlement of the case and then, only after she had announced her verdict, did she roundly excoriate everyone involved who had used a great deal of court time instead of arbitrating matters outside of court.

Her Honor is indeed tough, but she’s also fair, thoughtful and learned.


