
Hollywood : Woo, Renewal Foes Meet

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In a final effort to reach a compromise before a court hearing next month, Los Angeles City Councilman Michael Woo met Monday with several foes of the city’s Hollywood redevelopment project, but the two sides were unable to resolve their differences.

Woo proposed naming three members of the controversial Hollywood Project Area Committee, a citizens advisory group disbanded by the City Council in May, to a new advisory panel that he created last month. In exchange, Woo proposed, the Project Area Committee and Save Hollywood Our Town, a residents group opposed to redevelopment, would drop separate lawsuits against the city.

But Project Area Committee members, who sued the council over its decision to disband the group, rejected the offer. They said they want their entire 25-member group reinstated. They also said they have no authority to speak for Save Hollywood Our Town, which filed suit against the city several years ago to block the renewal effort.
