
Countywide : Red Cross Volunteer to Go to Hurricane Area

The Orange County chapter of the American Red Cross will be sending a longtime volunteer, Priscilla Schoch, Sunday to join with hundreds of other Red Cross workers in aiding Hurricane Hugo victims in South Carolina, chapter spokeswoman Joan Mueller was said.

The chapter also will receive donations of money from Orange County residents for the hurricane relief effort, as well as accept blood donors to increase current supplies. So far, $300 was donated before the chapter announced the need for donations Thursday, but no blood has been donated specifically in response to the hurricane, Mueller said.

“Over 46,000 evacuees are living in 238 Red Cross shelters in North and South Carolina,” Mueller said Friday. The Red Cross has sent 40 disaster relief vehicles carrying relief supplies including water, tents, cots, blankets and toiletry kits.


The Orange County chapter said donations should be sent to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 11364, Santa Ana, Calif. 92711. Checks should be earmarked “Hurricane Hugo.” People wishing to donate blood or receive more information should call the Red Cross at (714) 835-5381.
