
Goodman on Barney Frank

Ellen Goodman’s “Oil Slick Is Starting to Cover Barney and It Doesn’t Scrub Off,” (Op-Ed Page, Sept. 21) doesn’t wash. Comparing Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Barney Frank to an innocent coastline smeared by a mean oil slick is nonsense.

Barney Frank, who made a career out of moralistic preaching against ethical misbehavior among the Republicans, is not an innocent bystander. He solicited the troubled brew in which he now flounders.

Frank has done a disservice to his constituents, to his party, to the House of Representatives, and to the cause of responsible government to which he claimed to be loyal for so many years.


Rep. Frank will be remembered, not for the causes he served, but for the foolish mistakes in his private life.

One can only hope that other men and women in public life will learn from his misfortune.


