
Interpreting 2nd Amendment: Restricting Gun Ownership

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As hard as The Times tries to manipulate its readers to reject firearms, the necessity to protect oneself with firearms always seems to present itself as the only alternative. Case in point: The devastation caused by hurricane Hugo in St. Croix had left that island temporarily without law and order. People lost property and lives to roving groups of thugs. But the armed law-abiding citizens who were confronted by these groups preserved their lives and property.

A report of a woman being shot to death after receiving threats from her estranged husband could have been preventable in like manner. If she was also armed and ready to use her firearm as the need dictated, maybe no shots would have been fired and she would be alive, her child would have a mother and the police would have been looking for her husband on the charge of assault with a deadly weapon instead of murder.

However, even if she wanted to buy a firearm for protection, the “cooling off” period required for firearms purchases would not protect her from a “hothead” who already possesses one. Our laws have failed her, and many others. It’s time to change them.



Huntington Beach
