
Glendale Fed Ad Account Goes to BBDO


Glendale Federal Bank, which for several years has advertised to customers--”When you say jump, we say how high?”--jumped ad agencies on Wednesday. It placed its estimated $12-million ad business at the Los Angeles office of BBDO Worldwide.

“Looking at the era ahead, we felt it was an appropriate time for a change,” said Steven Tragash, executive vice president of Glendale Federal, the nation’s fifth-largest savings bank.

Although the move is a major boost to BBDO, which has long been seeking an S&L; client, advertising executives say it is also a big psychological loss to the Los Angeles ad agency Davis, Ball & Colombatto, which has handled the account for more than 33 years. The agency, which may be best known for creating the “Mac Tonight” ad campaign for McDonald’s, has won several major accounts over the last two years.


“It’s been like a marriage,” said Mark D. Davis, executive vice president and general manager of the Los Angeles office of Davis, Ball & Colombatto. “A lot of heart and a lot of time has been devoted to the service of this company.”

Now, it will be BBDO’s turn to try to enhance the image of Glendale Federal which, like many S&L;’s over the past few years, has seen millions of dollars flow out.

Executives say the company’s new ad campaign will not begin until after Jan. 1.

“We believe they’re a powerhouse,” said Gene Cameron, president of BBDO’s Los Angeles office. “The message just hasn’t gotten out yet.”
