
President Sends S.F. $1,000 Check

From a Times Staff Writer

Last week’s spat between the White House and Mayor Art Agnos over Vice President Dan Quayle’s visit to the region is apparently over.

Wednesday morning’s mail to City Hall brought a personal check made out to the American Red Cross for $1,000 from one “George H. W. Bush.”

In an accompanying note, the President thanked Agnos for his hospitality during his tour of the earthquake-stricken region last Friday, adding, “I came away mightily impressed with the spirit of the people there.”


Of the check, drawn on Bush’s account at NCNB Texas National Bank, Bush wrote: “The attached personal check from Barbara and me comes from the heart.”

“I’d like to ask that there be no publicity on this. Please treat it as a tiny bit of support for one of the brightest ‘points of light.’ ”
