
San Diego Actor Reveals Secrets of ‘Breaking the Code’ Character

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Jonathan McMurtry believes that if he and Alan Turing--the British mathematician he plays in “Breaking the Code” at South Coast Repertory--had ever met at a cocktail party, the encounter would have been unpleasant for both of them.

“I wouldn’t have liked him personally,” McMurtry says. “I would have found him too self-centered. He was rather opinionated. And he could be very biting, especially with people who didn’t understand his work. I probably would have said, . . . ‘What’s wrong with him?’ ”

Willful, stubborn, unkempt--Turing was that, too. Though brilliant, he stammered like a schoolboy and bit his nails obsessively. Yet, when you ask what pleasure McMurtry gets from playing such a character, he notes that Turing’s disagreeable traits presented the sort of challenge that has always drawn him to difficult roles.


This paradox amuses him. “I like doing unattractive people,” said the star of Hugh Whitemore’s biographical drama, which opened Friday on the SCR Mainstage. “I don’t like to play heroes.”

Among his more than 100 roles at San Diego’s Old Globe Theatre, for instance, the slightly built, sandy-haired actor particularly relishes Iago in “Othello,” whom he interpreted as a compulsive liar and sociopath in the guise of a seemingly honest hail-fellow-well-met.

This time, far from portraying a consummate dissembler, McMurtry gives us someone who is constitutionally unable to keep up any pretense whatsoever.


There was considerably more to Turing than his defects, of course. A genius at cryptography, he cracked the secret German military code during World War II. Ironically, the absence of sham in Turing’s iconoclastic personality--which ordinarily might have been a virtue--proved disastrous. In what turned out to be his worst mistake, he told the police investigating a petty burglary at his home that he was having a homosexual affair. The voluntary admission brought about his arrest for moral turpitude, eventually led to his expulsion from academia and ultimately precipitated his suicide.

“I’ve never played this kind of man,” McMurtry said. “He is a genuine eccentric. It’s exciting to be in his body, to see what makes him tick. I almost live the character. I’ve never bitten my nails, and now I find myself doing it all of a sudden.”

In fact, the actor’s nails look manicured, and he seems entirely composed. Casually dressed in a plaid shirt, blue pullover and corduroy pants, he gives not the slightest hint of Turing’s excitability or of his overweening self-absorption.


At 50, McMurtry lives in San Diego with his wife, Terri, and has played leading roles at most of California’s major theaters, including the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles, the American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco and the Los Angeles Theatre Center. He last appeared at SCR in 1986 as the melancholy Jacques in “As You Like It.”

Born in Detroit, McMurtry says he grew up “in the trunk” because both of his parents were show-biz dancers. They toured so often that he eventually went to live with his grandparents in Southern California. Not surprisingly, he shunned the idea of making a theatrical career at first and preferred the idea of becoming a painter.

But he changed his mind around 1960 at Los Angeles City College, where he won a nationwide audition for a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London.

To prepare for his role in “Breaking the Code,” McMurtry says he consulted a speech therapist to explore the cause of Turing’s stammer.

“I usually try to find what the body does first,” the actor explains, “because the rhythms and speech patterns depend on that. A stammer comes from an emotional place. It has a lot of explosive stuff behind it.

As for Turing’s homosexuality, McMurtry purposely avoids the use of effeminate gestures. Although the character candidly asserts his sexual orientation--and several scenes show Turing’s predilection for rough young men--McMurtry gives scant physical indication of the obvious.


Indeed, the most intriguing aspect of the character resides elsewhere. For Turing seems, above all, a tragic figure in the classic sense, driven by pride and overtaken by events beyond his control.

“Breaking the Code” by Hugh Whitemore continues on the Mainstage at South Coast Repertory through Nov. 30. The theater is at 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Curtain Tuesday to Saturday at 8 p.m.; Sunday at 7:30 p.m.; matinees Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Tickets: $18 to 27. Box office: (714) 957-4033.
