
Army Says Shooting of Cats for Research Won’t Be Halted

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<i> United Press International</i>

A controversial military research project that involves shooting hundreds of cats in the head will continue at least until the findings of a government investigation are released, the Army announced Wednesday.

The statement of support for the project was issued as an animal protection group asked for a moratorium on the research project at Louisiana State University until a report on the Government Accounting Office’s investigation is released.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine charged also that Rep. Bob Livingston (R-La.) was unnecessarily withholding the preliminary GAO findings on the $2.1-million project, in which cats are shot to learn more about head trauma to combat soldiers.


“The Army continues to support the project at this time,” Army spokesman Maj. Joe Padilla said, adding that “the findings of the GAO will be addressed by the Medical Research Command when the report is finalized and presented.”
