
Goodwin on Environment

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The problem with Goodwin’s views of the environment is their theological and dogmatic character. He does not write of environmental policies that may ensure that, on balance, living conditions can continue to improve for most people. Instead, he sets forth what can only be described as the tenets of a religion of nature worship.

It is all too obvious that he has intense dislike for our technical and industrial civilization; that he regards it as an affront to nature, and that he regards nature as a vengeful god who will exact a horrible price. Certainly he is welcome to share these views with his friends. But why should the rest of us believe him? Once again, we have a liberal of the gloom-and-doom school who says: Disaster lies ahead; but if you give me full power, I will help things to get worse a little more slowly. Who needs that?

T.A. HEPPENHEIMER, Fountain Valley
