
The Issue of Raising Sales Tax for Roads

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On Tuesday we will all have the opportunity to cast our vote on Measure M. The proposed half-cent sales tax increase and the accompanying master plan of improvements that it will fund is the result of many, many months of planning both at the government and community level.

No, the plan is not perfect in the sense that it meets everybody’s needs, but it is the best compromise one could possibly hope for given the enormity of the transportation problems faced in Orange County. The plan’s strength is that it gives equal recognition to the problems of the cities as well as the county and the freeway system and yet provides a very adequate allowance to transit, particularly in the area of rail commuters. It is a plan that is very feasible and can be made to work as projected.

Measure M also calls for the creation of a citizens watchdog committee that will guarantee that the money collected will be spent for what it is intended and nothing else--transportation improvements.


I am an ardent opponent to any governmental tax increases. But there comes a time when we must recognize that government cannot operate without funds. We are the only major California county that has not passed a half-cent or more sales tax increase to facilitate the improvement of their transportation system.

Correspondingly, this county has one of the poorest systems of roads found in any county in California. Much of that can be attributed to the fact that we’re not willing to pay for our fair share.

Please vote yes on Measure M.


Coto de Caza
