
Coronado Gang


I am writing in response to an article titled “Coronado Question: Does It Have a Gang Problem?” (Oct. 19) I find the so-called Coronado White Boys a revolting and ill-humored joke. Any form of respect (or humor, for that matter) cannot be dug up for these kids who make a feeble attempt at imitating those serious gangs on the mainland. Just calling themselves a “gang” already has invited a lot of dispute. Inevitably, so will it invite the serious gangs of San Diego.

Such easy prey as a group of Coronado White Boys would be a pleasure for those gangs that dispute violently over colors and territory. Besides, any gang could just hop in a car with two or more members, and drive over the bay for free. The Coronado Bay Bridge begins in the Barrio Logan area of San Diego, a prime hangout for local gangs. It would only be a five- to 10-minute commute over to the island.

I suggest that these white boys be exposed to what gangs really are all about. I suggest that they be taken away from their secure and untouched homes in Coronado and placed in the middle of a gang-infested neighborhood. I’d like to see their shocked faces as an innocent 10-year-old boy gets hit by gang cross-fire at a public park. I’d like them to attend a high school where they couldn’t wear a certain color for fear of being terrorized by a gang. Would these teens still mock and imitate a gang with humorous intent after seeing the corruption and evil of a typical San Diego gang? Would they still have the nerve to form a gang in their community after seeing the fear gangs create in communities?


And the answer to the Coronado question? Yes, Coronado has a gang problem. If these teens succeeded in forming a gang, with innocent intentions or not, then Coronado should be shuddering with fear of the possibility that it too can be infected with the widespread disease of gangs.


San Diego
