
‘Schools Fail, Not Our Children’

“We strive for mediocrity.” Unfortunately, this is the motto of today’s education system in America. The smart must integrate with the “dumb” in order to make everyone equal and average. Sound familiar? Heaven forbid we would actually have a few intelligent people in this country and maybe even somewhat challenge the Japanese. Right now we are being beaten by Third World countries.

Gehl’s article was one of the greatest critiques ever written on today’s education system. He used Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ five steps of dying in order to bring today’s school system to life. This is fitting in more ways than one. Not only is it the cycle which schools in America are going through today, but also symbolizes the death and failure of America’s socialized education system. Today’s kids are dying of intellectual ignorance and information depletion. Maybe if President Bush would stop sulking over his flag amendment and stop mobilizing U.S. borders against a nonexistent threat, he could put his time and money into something a little more important. Education would be a good start. I guess the combined manpower of Stan and Ollie, I mean Bush and Quayle, has failed to think about that yet.


West Hills
