
U.S. Policies in Central America and Turmoil in Nicaragua


The mind-set of people like Smith remains an enigma to me. When he refers to Ortega’s “ending the truce” with the Contras as a “gaff” we know he otherwise approves of his methods. This shows us once again that the liberal mentality refuses to recognize that communism is a repressive form of government which will use any means to accomplish its ends.

The facts that they always have and that not only has history proven it irrefutably, but even as we read thousands of people who have suffered it personally are getting away from East Germany as fast as they can and communist-bound nations like Poland and Hungary have broken the chains at great sacrifice, and are trying to establish free governments don’t mean a thing to our home-grown liberals. They tenaciously cling to each doomed love affair as though it was a first passion.

Even the Soviets decry the communist methods which Ortega personifies, even though their deceit remains in place as they still support him. Yet Smith and company ally themselves with the Sandinistas, decrying only that Ortega “didn’t handle it right” when he showed himself to be the dictator he is.


As we have experienced time and again, they will be proven wrong and only the agony the left helped inflict by their support will remain, along with their refusal to see it.

