
Proposals for Solving County’s Traffic Jams


County bureaucrats, the Board of Supervisors, city planners and elected officials must be rolling in hysterical laughter now that your front-page report (Nov. 9) puts the blame for future freeway jams on the voters. “M’s Loss Means Jammed Roads” says that “Orange County commuters face at least 10 years of jammed freeways now that voters have rejected a sales tax increase.” Logic such as this would have us believe abortions are necessary to correct wrongs done by unborn children.

The commuting voters did not cause any past, present or future traffic jams. The commuters are trying to travel to and from homes, apartments and businesses that were built with permits issued by building departments with the approval of elected officials.

Don’t try to blame the developer-builder either. They can’t build anything without government approval.


The traffic jams have been caused by incompetent planners and permit issuers undoubtedly spurred on by tax-hungry elected county and city officials.

Your editorial (Nov. 9) states that “Measure M apparently failed because many voters lacked faith that government would spend the money wisely.” I almost choked on my Rice Krispies.

Well, faith can be restored. Identify every elected official and government bureaucrat that “permitted” the building boom to take place without planning for adequate roads. Give us proof that each one has been removed from office, fired from his or her job and has lost his or her pension. Then the voters will act responsibly to correct the wrongs done and will pass an M-type measure.


Mission Viejo
