
George Shultz on Legalizing Drugs

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One small speech for (former secretary of state) George Shultz, one giant speech for mankind. Finally, someone from the Reagan-Bush years has opened his eyes to the drug problem (“Drug Legalization: Interest Rises in Prestigious Circles,” front page, Nov. 20). Decriminalization is the only answer. Hopefully more prominent people will come out of the closet.

However, the big story is that he thought about this while in Washington. So, as our country goes down the drain, our elected officials are afraid to present their ideas for improvement due to the fact that they might not get reelected or appointed. Does drug czar William Bennett ever think about this? He probably does, but he will continue to spend billions of dollars that we don’t have, fighting a war we can’t win.

I never thought I could or would say this, but good for George Shultz; he may have started something good.

